How To STAY Motivated
How to Stay Motivated
So no doubt even at this early stage of change you may be worried about staying motivated!
For sure, it will be a slight challenge due to change but for me the way to stay motivated should not be complex.
Here are 3 things I think can keep us on track.
1. You need a REASON for your focus, a WHY.
If the reason and your why is great enough no matter what the challenge is that is put in our way, no matter how crazy or big, we have to focus.
As the REASON, our WHY, stays the same, we just have to approach it from a different angle.
Now I know that you may not love a home work out or journaling, maybe even meditating or doing the hard stuff if “it is not really me”
But to keep the motivation up to do these things that will help not only keep us moving forwards and positive, is by having a PURPOSE.
A way in which I have made a small shift in the past is instead of saying “I have to do……. my home workout, or meditate, or reading" is switching it to
“ I get to…….do my live workout with TUF, I get to spend time learning new things, I get to clean my house and organise my home."
So my first thing I ask you to do is find you REASON
Make sure it inspires you. Like the SIMON SINEK book ’Start with why’ (could be something to read at this time)
2. Secondly once you have got the motivation and the purpose to do these things your next step is...
How often have you been ready to do something, to take on a task and have no clue where to start?
So much so that you find yourself just stressing and doing nothing at all, the thought of anything becomes too daunting.
This is where you need to BREAK IT DOWN, for example, a home workout.
You may be thinking about,
Where can I do it?
What will my family think?
How do I get music?
How does this Facebook live thing work?
Do I need a stopwatch?
I can't get it on my TV
I don't have any equipment.
So what you need to do first of all is look at what is the smallest step you can do it right now to get your exercise.
It may just be putting on your trainers and going for a walk.
then later that day just create a clear space and maybe do a single squat.
It may sound silly and possibly too easy but that is the key as we get energy to do the “thing” by doing the “thing”.
So it may start off with a super simple walk and squat workout but you and your WHY will motivate you to improve on this next time and you may walk a little further and do a few more squats.
This will eventually build up into maybe adding in a few lunges, counting reps and so on and so forth.
Having a plan is great, but do not make it too complex or daunting so that it overwhelms you.
Make it so simple that you can not fail.
3. When you have the REASON and you have BROKEN IT DOWN, you now need to have the...
So my top tip is to look how to gain, maintain energy and remove those things that drain and remove your energy.
There is no point doing the first two parts if you do not have the energy to implement them so we need to learn to...
Fuel right (certain foods give us great mind and body energy)
Positive thoughts (negative thoughts take your energy) positive thoughts increase energy. gratitude is key, write three things you're grateful for daily.
Exercise, shock horror.
Movement gives you energy because your physiology effects your psychology
Do your best to avoid energy sapping people, talk with those who bring you up as much as possible. spread the love
Keep a clean and tidy environment as it helps give you clarity and reduces stress. Messy house = messy head
SLEEP. This is imperative and so overlooked, please create a great place to get amazing sleep and aim to get you 7+ hours where possible then you can get up and go!
Limit your social media time, also control what you see. Avoid hours of negative posts. Use it as a tool to learn, stay positive and communicate with loved ones.
Get fresh air and sun light, these are non negotiable, natural light is so powerful and fresh air can completely change the way we feel.
Keep your brain active. Read, learn, create. your mind is the most powerful thing and our brain acts more like a muscle than an organ so work that muscle hard. It will keep your energy high.
Finally, feed off others energy, I will be looking over the next few weeks to 10x my energy output to try and support others as I know this is what energises me.
Stay Motivated, Stay TUF